Payment Methods
Advance Payment
After reviewing your order, we will send you a payment request no later than the next business day, including the available items, the actual shipping costs (if different for non-EU countries), and any possible backorder dates. The purchase is only considered valid once the Proforma invoice amount has been transferred. Please make the payment by bank transfer, indicating your full name and the invoice number provided by us, to: Schernthaner Lumpi GmbH. We will reserve your desired items for a maximum of 10 days from the date of the Proforma invoice. If we do not receive your payment within this time, your order will be canceled without further notice.
Pay securely and conveniently with PayPal. After completing your order, you will be redirected to the PayPal website, where you can make your payment safely and conveniently online. (If necessary, you may need to set up a PayPal account.) After a successful transaction, your order will usually be shipped on the next business day.
Credit Card (Mastercard, Visa-Card, and VISA - Verified by Visa)
You can easily and conveniently pay by credit card. We will charge the invoice amount to your credit card. We accept Mastercard with Securecode and VISA - Verified by Visa. The credit card processing is done through an SSL connection provided by the Austrian service provider mPAY24. After a successful credit card charge, your order will usually be shipped on the next business day.
You can conveniently place your order from home in our online shop and let us know during the order or via email when you would like to pick up the reserved goods at our store. Payment is made upon collection of the goods, and no shipping costs will be charged in this case. For pickups, we will reserve your desired items for a maximum of 10 days. If we do not receive any feedback or if the goods are not collected within this time, your order will be canceled without further notice. The purchase is considered valid only upon payment of the invoice amount.
Non-deliverable Goods
We always strive to keep our online assortment up to date. Please note that in very rare cases, products may be sold simultaneously in our physical store. If products you have ordered are no longer available or can only be delivered later, we will contact you immediately to discuss whether you want to cancel the purchase or choose possible replacement items, or inform you of the potential later delivery date. If you have paid by credit card and decide to cancel the order due to non-delivery, we will refund the entire amount, including shipping costs, to your credit card. If you have chosen advance payment, you will receive the payment request or Proforma invoice for the items actually reserved for you after availability has been checked (reservation valid for a maximum of 10 days from the date of the Proforma invoice).
Price changes and errors are subject to change. We reserve the right to charge our customers for any additional costs incurred due to unclaimed or undeliverable packages.